

Quality assured from day 1
Quality assurance is more than a set of documents. It's an attitude of mind that starts from the day you first contact us.

Before we start your first live job, our senior engineers follow a well-proven roll-out process to understand and document your precise requirements. For our Contract Outsourcing services we send one of our engineers to your plant for up to 2 weeks to make sure we know exactly how you work.

Automated processes embed your precise  rules. Automation means that our engineers follow them fast and error-free.

Dedicated engineers
You have your own team of dedicated engineers trained and certified in your requirements. For Contract services they work only for you. For On Demand services they work for several clients but your jobs are always done by one of your certified engineers. This ensures that they ask the right questions, not the same questions over and over again.

Every job is cross-checked by a second engineer against a detailed check-list drawn up to your specifications.

All our engineers have been through our rigorous in-house training program before they start on live jobs. Their work is constantly monitored and additional training is provided when necessary.

Of course we do also have documents. Our whole operation is certified with
ISO 9001: 2008.

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